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Momentum Ignited!

If you are ready to commit to reaching your higher standard in your personal and professional life, we are a perfect match!
I help women just like you boost your revenue, gain back time, and achieve the freedom you’ve always wanted.
It's time to change that inner dialogue that is keeping you stuck in the cycle of bad habits so you can start living your life to your fullest potential.

In the United States Text


to 870-617-0265 for a FREE Impact call!

Constant Juggling Act?

Do you feel like you're constantly juggling a never-ending to-do list? Do you find it hard to balance your business and family life without sacrificing your time, health, and relationships?

If so, you're not alone. As a mompreneur, you face unique challenges and pressures that can leave you feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and frustrated. But it doesn't have to be this way.

The coaching program with Rebecca is designed to help you overcome the challenges of balancing your business and family life, and achieve the life you've always dreamed of.

Through this program, you'll learn time hacking strategies that can help you discover 10-20 hours per week, giving you more time and energy to focus on what really matters.

Here are some real-life struggles from my other clients:

“I'm constantly battling the guilt of not being able to give my family the attention and time they deserve, and the fear of not being successful enough in my business. It's like I'm stuck in a vicious cycle of never-ending pressure and stress.”

“The lack of time freedom is suffocating me. I can't seem to find a balance between my business and my personal life. I'm constantly feeling pulled in different directions, and it's taking a toll on my mental and physical health. I'm exhausted all the time, and I can feel the burnout creeping up on me.”

“The financial stress is also eating away at me. I'm constantly worried about not having enough money to support my family, pay my bills, and invest in my business. It's like there's never enough, and I'm always struggling to make ends meet.”

“The fear of failure is always at the back of my mind. I'm worried that I'll never be successful enough in my business or that I'll fail as a parent. It's like I'm constantly second-guessing myself and doubting my abilities.”

Can you relate to any of those? Again, it doesn’t have to be that way…

You Have A Choice!

You will be guided through a proven process that will help you create a clear and specific action plan, prioritize your tasks, delegate effectively, and automate and streamline your business processes.

You'll also learn how to cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset, practice self-care and personal development, and build a supportive network of peers and mentors.

By the end of our coaching, you'll have a more balanced and fulfilling life, and the skills and tools you need to continue growing and thriving as a mompreneur.

Imagine waking up each day with a clear sense of purpose and direction. You know exactly what you need to do to achieve your goals and you have the time and energy to focus on what really matters - your family, your health, and your well-being.

You feel confident, motivated, and in control, knowing that you have the support and guidance you need to succeed.

Don't just take my word for it...

Check out down below what my clients have said about their coaching experience with me.

I can't wait for you to be my next success on your journey as a mompreneur! 

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RebecRebecca C Wilcox coachingca C Wilcox coaching

6-Month 1 on 1 Coaching Program with the Animo Process

"Your confidence increases with knowledge and repetition." #BeckyBite

Program Deliverables: 

  • 6 - 1 Hour or 12 - 30 minute 1:1 Fast Action & Live Feedback Coaching Calls with Rebecca C Wilcox

  • Weekly/Monthly and 6 month goal setting  for accountability and growth

  • A-Z Training to Increase Your Time Freedom and Peace of Mind FAST

  • Tactical Action Guides so that You can Immediately Implement what You Learn for FAST Results

  • Motivational affirmations texted for positive enrichment delivered Monday - Friday weekly 

  • Voxer access to Rebecca M-F for support, focus and a guiding voice 


  • 200+ Content Starters

  • 7 Steps to Get on Podcasts Worksheet

  • 25 Resources for online presence

  • Power of Using Video to Connect with Your Audience Workbook

  • Self-care planner to continue serving others at a higher level

  • Dream Life Growth Journal broken down into intellectual, spiritual, family, house & home, friendships & social life, romantic relationships, health & fitness, adventures & experiences, business & career, and finances; God's whispering words

  • 3 - Month 1 on 1 Coaching Program

    with the Animo Process

    "To succeed, focus on changing yourself, not others." #BeckyBite

    Program Deliverables: 

  • 3 - 1 Hour or 6 - 30 minute 1:1 Fast Action & Live Feedback Coaching Calls with Rebecca C Wilcox

  • Weekly/Monthly and 6 month goal setting  for accountability and growth

  • A-Z Training to Increase Your Time Freedom and Peace of Mind FAST

  • Tactical Action Guides so that You can Immediately Implement what You Learn for FAST Results

  • Motivational affirmations texted for positive enrichment delivered Monday - Friday weekly 

  • Voxer access to Rebecca M-F for support, focus and a guiding voice


  • 200+ Content Starters

  • 7 Steps to Get on Podcasts Worksheet

  • 25 Resources for online presence

  • Power of Using Video to Connect with Your Audience Workbook

  • Self-care planner to continue serving others at a higher level

  • Dream Life Growth Journal broken down into intellectual, spiritual, family, house & home, friendships & social life, romantic relationships, health & fitness, adventures & experiences, business & career, and finances; God's whispering words

  • 1234

    What You Can Expect!

    "If you want to succeed, focus on changing yourself not others" #BeckyBite

    • You will have the clarity of what you want your goals to be

    • You will have the confidence by the consistent daily actions to reach those goals

    • You will have the determination that by sticking with your daily success steps, you can continue to create the life and business you are wanting for yourself

    • You will have created success habits for a more authentic life

    • You will have found your voice to ask for the help you need, share with others the value that is in you and create boundaries to protect the integrity of you and your life

    • You will have the courage for that relationship, home life, business venture that lights you up as you begin to expect greater things for yourself

    • You will have a plan for self-care, assets for growing an online presence and fast content starters

    • Build your legacy and attain your goals

    Connect with Me!

    About the coach

    Rebecca Wilcox

    Rebecca Wilcox is a Life Coach for women who are undergoing significant changes. She offers tools and strategies to support her clients in stepping into their new chapter with clarity and confidence. 

     Rebecca has coached women through life transitions such as babies, divorce, career changes, moves, retirement, and more. She understands about making difficult decisions for which there’s no clear or easy path, and specializes in coaching her clients to clarify their dreams, desires, goals, values, and priorities. Through her coaching, these women become more authentic, and achieve at a level they never imagined possible!

    As a successful Results Coach with more than 35 years of research and experience, Rebecca has become an authority on how to get what you want in 30 days or less. She holds a degree from the University of Arkansas and is a certified Coach through Life on Fire. 

    She is a sought after speaker for podcasts and Virtual Summits, sharing her wisdom about consistent habits for empowered living.   She has also filmed over 300 #BeckyBite videos for her online community.

    Rebecca has been married 25 years to her best friend. They have four children. She is the proud “Nonna” to seven grandchildren who light up her life.

    She offers 3 or 6-month opportunities to work with her 1:1 in her Coaching Academy and a 8-week group coaching program “Time Hack Fast Track Accelerator Program”.

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